Our subscription service is very simple!
- You must have at least 10 ongoing titles on your list.
- You must pick up your comics at least once a month.
- You get a 10% discount on all new* comics.
If you are interested, please stop by the store or e-mail us ( with: your name, a phone number, your e-mail address, and your list. Please be as specific as possible with the titles you’d like us to pull. For example, if you want “all Batman,” you MUST list titles individually such as: Batman, Detective Comics, Batman & Joker Deadly Duo, Batman The Detective, etc. Also, if you only want specific issues or covers of certain titles, just let us know! You can update your list by stopping by the store, by e-mail or by phone (901-683-7171.)
*A new comic is any single issue book on the new comic shelf. This does not include trade paperback/hardcover books or back issues.
Special Orders:
If you would like to order toys, books, shirts, or any other non-comic/magazine items, we will be more than happy to accommodate. We can order anything featured in the Previews catalog and you may place an order in-store, by phone, or by e-mail. We only ask that if you don’t turn in the Previews Order Form, or know the Previews Item Code, that you provide us with enough information to figure out exactly which item you want to order. Finally, if you are not on subscription, please provide us with your name, a phone number, and an e-mail address so that we can contact you when your item arrives.
Mail Orders:
We offer subscription and special order mail orders. Please contact us if you would like to inquire about these services.